Riven Welsh Slate Standing Stone

Riven Welsh Slate Standing Stone Riven slate standing stone I made this piece for a private client so time ago.  I discovered this image in the archives and was delighted to rediscover it. It is always a great surprise when I find images of work that I had forgotten.  Over the years I [...]

Hand carved Welsh riven slate standing stone

  Hand carved Welsh riven slate standing stone This hand carved Welsh riven slate standing stone was first exhibited at Chelsea Flower Show 2014.  Alan Titchmarsh saw it and fell in love.  The hand carved Welsh riven slate standing stone now takes pride of place in Alan Titchmarsh's private garden. Martin Cook exhibits all pieces [...]

By |2023-03-24T17:16:48+00:00January 27th, 2015|garden carvings, Martin's Blog, Welsh slate standing stone|0 Comments
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